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Think Tank 2018: Bigger and Better than ever!
BCAN Think Tank 2018 group photo

Earlier this month, our board member Dr Stephanie Demkiw was fortunate enough to attend the BCAN Think Tank in Denver, Colorado - a meeting that brings together 250 of the top medical and scientific minds in bladder cancer.


The meeting opened with a session for patient advocates. This included approximately 30 patients, many of which have undergone neobladder or ileal-conduit surgery and whose stories and experience are vital to drive the yearly Think Tank.

UroGP conference 2018

UroGP logoLast weekend the BladderCancer.org.au team were at the UroGP conference at Melbourne Convention Centre. As usual our publications were very popular and we are almost sold out of both of our booklets now. That is now 4,000 booklets in doctor's, patient's and nurse's hands and another 1,000 are now in production.

Bladder Cancer Care Plan - Free download

We have created a Bladder Cancer Care Plan document aimed specifically for use by both medical professionals and patients dealing with bladder cancer. The document is free to download!
Bladder Cancer Care Plan - Free download