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BCACF Newsletter - May 2021

Bladder Cancer Awareness Month

May is Bladder Cancer Awareness Month

Bladder Cancer Awareness month starts tomorrow! We will be active on social media, and there are many events around the country run by people who are passionate about Bladder cancer awareness.


The World Bladder Cancer Patient Coalition catch cry this year is... "Have you ever heard about bladder cancer?" #BladderCancerAware


Please get involved and spend a few hours getting others #BladderCancerAware


If you need resources, WBCPC has everything from infographics, social media content and more in their awareness month toolkit at the bottom of the page here:


There are also loads of posters, booklet downloads, factsheets, surveys on our resources page here:


If you are looking for resources in other languages, the European Association of Urology, has a multi lingual section, using the drop down language menu:


Bladder Cancer Awareness Month MCG Committee Room Lunch

MCG Lunch

Our Bladder Cancer Awareness Month MCG Committee Room Lunch is on Thursday May 13th. Come and join us to have a great 3 course lunch, with drinks included for $150 per person.


Wander around the members pavilion and see the great MCG & MCC history. We will be having a social media push on the day, and through the month.


Bookings close on Friday May 7th.


If you want to come along contact

Download & Print a Poster for Bladder Cancer Awareness Month

Download and print a Poster for Bladder Cancer Awareness month

We have a new awareness month poster free to download in portrait or landscape. You can print or use electronically. Great for lift screens in May!


Download Printable (Portrait)
Download Printable (Landscape)



UROGP this year will be at the Melbourne Exhibition and Convention centre on Saturday September 11th.


This excellent convention is where GP's, nurses and others in health care, get to learn all the latest news in the world of urology. will exhibit and you can win a guitar! Put it in your diary.


It's Bladder Cancer Awareness month.


As a great football coach once said to his team: "Don't think. DO! Do something!"


PLEASE DO ask your circle this month "Have you ever heard about bladder cancer?"


Spread the word.