Hi everyone,
We are a little early with our Autumn News so that we can remind you about the upcoming USANZ Convention in Melbourne (25 – 28 Feb).
Our charity, Australia’s leading charity for bladder cancer patients, is staffed by volunteers. Our team comprises patients, urologists and urology nurses. Our goal is to give all bladder cancer patients the best chance to learn about their disease and make better choices to survive.
Please support us by making a donation.
New Patient Wizard
We have installed a New Patient Wizard on our web site in a simple Q&A format so it is easy for people to find the correct information.
Check it out on our home page.
USANZ & ANZUNS is at the Melbourne Convention and Exhibition Centre from this Saturday February 25th – 28th. As usual we will have a stall loaded with Patient Guidebooks and Procedure Guides on hand for you to stock up. These are ideal for medical clinics and other health awareness purposes and will save lives. We will be giving away a guitar once again to a lucky attendee.
Learn more and register for USANZ Melbourne

Blood in Wee
Last year I met with other bladder cancer charities from around the world in Paris. There was discussion around the idea that a small amount of blood in urine (Haematuria) need not be investigated further and that only gross haematuria needs further investigation.
My view, as a patient who has lost their bladder, is that ALL haematuria needs investigation. If I had known the signs earlier (light pinkish pee) I would have acted sooner.
I know all medical people around the world are under pressure, but I urge everyone who has a concern about their urine colour to ask your GP for a simple dip stick urine test.
If blood is present – ask for a referral to a UROLOGIST!
All medical people are busy. You must drive your own health care.
If you are worried about anything, don’t delay, go see your doctor.
Tony Moore