Walk for Dan is this Sunday! There is still plenty of time to register or donate!
Walk For Dan this Sunday May 26th in Melbourne – More info and route.
Help us reach our goal of $10,000 to go toward life-changing urological research.
Check the current donation tally here.
BCAN USA updates
Our friends at BCAN in the USA have been really busy. A new patient survey for bladder cancer patients and carers, plus they are working on a US$10 million grant for bladder cancer research from the US Government.
BCAN have launched a new survey.
If you are a bladder cancer patient, survivor or carer, please do the survey.
The results of the survey will be shared anonymously and will be used to create decision-making tools and patient education materials that could help newly diagnosed bladder cancer patients and caregivers better understand the impact of bladder cancer and its treatment.
BCAN in line for $10 million grant.
The U.S. House Appropriations Committee released its report for funding in fiscal year 2020 for the Defense Appropriations Act. The report recommends $100 million in funding to conduct peer-reviewed research into a number of cancers and bladder cancer is listed first for up to $10 million. BCAN has been at the forefront of advocating for increased funding for research into this sixth-most diagnosed cancer in the United States. The funding request is just that for now – a request – and the bill needs to be approved by both the House and Senate and signed by the President to become law.
BCAN Mailing List
It’s so important we all work together to solve the bladder cancer puzzle.
Join the USA BCAN mailing list. Bubbles for Bladder Cancer
May 19th was #BubblesForBladderCancer day! A day in which we blow bubbles with our friends and families to remember those we have lost to bladder cancer. Our patient advocacy group BCA Australia organised a national bubblethon to mark this special day!
More photos on the BCA Australia Facebook page.