My BCG Journey

I’m a 65 year old guy, whose life turned upside down in May this year.
I was already under a urologist for prostate cancer due to my family history.
I was walking over greasy rocks at Narrabeen and had a fall, cracked ribs, had blood in my urine…. had tests and was referred to another specialist who found elevated albumin in my kidneys, more intensive urine tests over a week found cancer cells in my bladder…. We received the news one night at 8pm…. was a big shock… The C word, went through all the emotions, asked how, why, all the usuals.
Two days later I saw my urologist who ran me through the procedures, offered my a radical removal of bladder, prostate, etc…. I declined. He then explained he would do a TURBT resection, this found tumours and suspect looking bladder walls, but not invasive, Over a few months I had three resections, each time he removed more material. After the first one they sent me home the next day, I was back in hospital that night with a blockage, very very painful, stayed in hospital another two days. The next two went as per the script, no problems.. I was then sent to another specialist for BCG treatment…
To date I have had 5, the 6th one is this Monday… then wait four weeks for a biopsy.
The good thing has been that previous biopsies have revealed no prostate cancer.
BCG has been okay, I picked up an infection after the second treatment, back into hospital for two days of serious antibiotics, then home to prepare for the next treatment.
I have had enormous headaches, stinging urination, but I take Ural which helps.
This time I have had major tiredness issues, just feel flat, no energy. Will see how I go after number 6…
If the biopsy comes back okay I go into three monthly maintenance. If the biopsy shows invasion then it all gets much more serious.
I feel confident, people are sympathetic, my wife is trying to feed me well… I’m very grateful to the team looking after me, If I had not had the fall, nothing would have been found until it was to late… I feel blessed, and wish everyone else well in their personal journey….Will post my biopsy results on Dec 20 2017….

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