Story from across the ditch

Husband is Aussie so hopes that counts! Bladder issues for several years before malignant cells found in urine in early 2013. Much delay & seemingly indifference from drs, disease progresses to stage 4 by June 2014. Chemo, RC with ic, which showed cancer in prostate as well as nodes & bladder. A few months later pain in pelvic groin areas. Told it was sciatic. Eventually groin nodes swollen & CT reveals Mets to bones. More chemo. Some response but now more areas in spine, ribs, & now node in neck. Palliative radiation ended with Greg hospitalised for 12 days. Losing weight fast with constant nausea & now an aversion to food. Maybe possible immunotherapy but have to rob a bank to do that!
What a ride! Not wished on anyone.
He’s only 62 yrs young but looks & feels 20 yrs older. Hunter, Fisher, DIYer, hard worker, mate to many, wonderful dad & hubby.
Yes, would love to support this group.
Travel safe to all.

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