Tony Moore
Tony is a bladder cancer survivor, after a radical cystectomy and a neobladder. His passion is the guitar and he has made a living selling musical instruments all over the world. Recording Studio owner, retailer, importer & wholesaler as Moore Music, music education disciple, International Sales Director for Alesis & Numark, Managing Director of Vestax Corporation in Japan, Allans Music, Billy Hyde… an extensive career in music. Today Tony has his own business – The Music Broker.

Professor Nathan Lawrentschuk
Nathan is a Professor at the University of Melbourne and a Urological Surgeon and Urologic Oncologist with appointments at the University of Melbourne Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre and Department of Surgery and Olivia Newton-John Cancer Research at the Austin Hospital. He completed a PhD in kidney cancer and his surgical training in 2008 and has completed an SUO Fellowship with two additional years of training in robotic, laparoscopic and open cancer surgery at the University of Toronto, Canada. He is the current vice-chairman of the World Urologic Oncology Federation and is passionate about bladder cancer awarenesss, research, education and treatment – the lack of resources available in Australia ultimately drove him along with a committed board to set up bladdercancer.org.au

Robert Luburic
Managing Director, Melbourne Accounting Partners
Born into a family of successful business-owners, it’s no surprise that Robert Luburic was drawn to advising small to medium sized ventures. Qualifying as Accountant in 1990, Robert gathered experience with two major accounting firms before establishing his own Collins St accounting practice in 2002. Through that time he has developed a deep understanding of the needs of business owners, grounded by the household business environment into which he was born. Robert’s specialist area of expertise reaches into many lives. He believes the success of small business is fundamental to the high standard of living that Australians enjoy, and sees his clients as integral to the wealth of this country. Many professionals in the CBD are clients of Robert’s, his reputation as an astute accountant has grown rapidly in the 15 years that he has based his practise in the CBD.

Shane Qin
Shane is a Urology Research Fellow at Austin Health currently under Professor Damien Bolton. Aspiring to be a Urologist in the future, he has been involved in the care of many patients affected by bladder cancer and seen the challenges they face.
Shane is taking over the role of secretary from past member Marc Diocera. Having served on various committees he hopes to use those previous experiences in this new role.
He is looking forward to contributing to the ongoing success of the Bladder Cancer Australia Charity Foundation in continuing its role in raising awareness and providing an invaluable resource for bladder cancer patients.

Friederika Kaider
Friederika’s career spans several decades of service to the community in a variety of roles. Her early career began as a primary school teacher and community education officer where she was one of the first in Australia to run after-school and holiday programs for children in inner city Melbourne. This led her to the role of community development worker in the very culturally diverse community of Thebarton in South Australia, followed by speech writing for a federal senator. Her next focus was advocating for workers in the hospitality industry as a researcher and negotiator for a trade union.
The United States then beckoned her for post-graduate studies at Loyola University, Chicago, which simultaneously offered opportunities to teach at Loyola and Northwestern Universities and the Illinois Institute of Technology. Friederika then devoted the next ten years to working for a not-for-profit on a very ambitious economic and community development initiative that aimed at retaining manufacturing companies in the Chicago region in order to continue to provide good paying jobs to the community. This entailed working with the large concentration of confectionery and food companies in the region; food entrepreneurs; local government, most notably the Mayor of Chicago; state government; food unions; educational institutions; and the community, particularly the de-industrialized west-side of Chicago.
Returning to Australia in 2004, Friederika established herself in academia, teaching in the fields of industrial relations, human resources management and work integrated learning (Australian Catholic University, RMIT, Victoria University) and then moving into academic development at Deakin University. Health-related, she served on the Academic Board for the Institute for Integrative Medicine in recent years.
Friederika also brings to the Board the voice of a bladder cancer survivor, having been diagnosed in 2012 and receiving BCG treatment.

Anthony Knight
Anthony Knight, a country GP for the majority of his working life, is joining the BladderCancer.org.au team.
Anthony has been practicing General Medicine since 1983. Recently retired he was one of the main GP’s servicing Benalla and surrounds through his surgery – Carrier St Clinic. His addition to our board will help us better understand and work with the GP community.

Mehdi Adhami
Mehdi Adhami is a Urology Research Fellow at Icon Cancer Centre and Monash University School of Translational Medicine under A/Prof Jeremy Grummet. His primary research focus is on evaluating the role of focal low-dose-rate brachytherapy in men with low- to intermediate-risk prostate cancer. He has a strong passion for medical research, as evidenced by completing a Master of Surgery at the University of Sydney, thirty-eight citations across three years, and six publications in high-impact factor journals. He is the current president of the Young Urology Research Organisation (YURO) committee, which is designed to support aspiring Urologists in the field of research. He is excited to assist BladderCancer.org.au in collaborating with YURO.
Other Contributors
Colin Bridges
Colin helped us for six years. He was a guiding light to the board from the start and a key contributor to the charity.
Marc Diocera
Marc helped us for five years serving as secretary. His skills and industry knowledge were invaluable to us,
Simon Moore
Simon served as a board member and director for almost two years and was invaluable in getting the Foundation up and running, helping with design and publishing our booklet.
Gayle Blayney
Gayle has been a great help proofing, stuffing envelopes, and helping us with mailers.
Dominic Barro and Alex Fogarty
Thanks for all of your help getting our booklets posted.
Kath Schubach & ANZUNS
Fantastic help from Kath & the Urology Nurses Society ensuring we have enough info in our booklet for women & all pre and post op care is covered correctly.